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Salon & Day Spa
in Bountiful, Utah
Call 801-295-4247 Text 801-383-2244
Before and After
*Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters each day for 3 days.
*Maintain a low calorie/low fat diet for 3 days after.
*Do 20 minutes of cardio day of and 3-5 days after.
*Day of-Wear loose, baggy clothes for tummy. Underwear or thongs for booty/thighs.
*Do NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before.
*Do NOT drink alcohol for 72 hours after.
*Do NOT have caffeine day of or for 24 hours after.
*Do NOT tan or spray tan 24 hours before.
Drinking water is a necessary and important part of eliminating the broken down fat. Remember fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water you drink!
Maintaining a low calorie/low fat diet for 3 days after your treatment ensures that your body can properly metabolize and utilize the broken down fat.
Alcohol affects your liver, it's is important that your liver is healthy and able to process the fats released by the treatment. Alcohol will affect results!
Ultrasound Cavitation & RF treatment is NOT recommended for the following:
•Pregnant or Breastfeeding
•Cancerof any kind
•Blood Disorders
•Heart, Kidney, or Liver Disease
•Acute Inflammation of any kind
•High Blood Pressure/Circulation Issues & Vein or Vascular Issues
•Anticoagulants or Antibiotics
•Taking Steroids
•Internal Bleeding (ulcers, etc.)
•Autoimmune Diseases
•Urinary Incontinence
•Red, Dry, Itchy Skin
•Transmissible Diseases
•Under 18
Please inform your technician if you have:
•Intrauterine Device (IUD)
•Metal Implants of any kind
•Menstruating on appointment date
What is Body Contouring?
The body contouring machine is Radio Frequency (RF) & Ultra Sound combined to reduce fat & tighten the skin.
•Scientific Information:
Ultra Sound cause tons of microscopic air bubbles to surround the fat cells & cause a strong enough pressure to cause the fat cells to break up.
The RF promotes the collagen cells to restore & help the skin’s texture, elasticity, that will tighten & firm the skin.
•How much fat can you lose in one treatment?
Every “body” is different & results vary, but it is possible to lose up to 30% fat in one treatment. Most lose inches their first treatment.
•Will I see results right away?
Some lose inches during their first treatment, but after 48 hours, you will see results.
•Is there any downtime?
No, there is no downtime, but it is important to prep & follow instructions 24 hours before & 72 hours after appointment.
•Does it hurt?
No, it feels like a warm massage. Occasionally, some feel a little discomfort from ringing in the ears.
•Packages available. Buy 3 or more & get $25 off each
•Facial treatments available to help tighten & tone the
face & neck.
This treatment is a process and subsequent visits may be necessary in order to achieve the desired results.
Subsequent visits are subject to additional charges per visit which depend on the amount of work needed. Actual results vary from person to person a specific result is not guaranteed.
The Ultrasound Cavitation treatment carries possible health complications and consequences, which include, but might not be limited to, the risk of kidney failure, liver failure, pacemaker failure, birth defect, miscarriage, thyroid damage, damage to the ovaries, lactation complications, hyper-triglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, pancreatitis, infection, scarring, and/or allergic reaction to any products used, excessive thirst, dehydration, nausea.
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